Saturday 7 July 2012

Love vs Arranged Marriage : My Views

Love vs Arranged Marriage : My Views

Love – if no plan for Marriage; Arrange – if Plan to Marry

“Love”…if you have no plan to marry, no plan for a long-term commitment, no plan to start a family.
“Love” is a care-free commitment.
“Love” if you want to have “live-in”.
“Never Love” if you want to marry…for the single simple reason…when you “marry” also “marry a family”...”get amalgamated in a family”…and “not only marry your sweetheart.”
“Marriage” is not a mere valentines’ day celebration, exchanging chocolate, whispering sweet nothing in each-others ears. “Marriage” is a responsibility…and it’s a responsibility of two families…yours and your would-be’s.
And every family have one or more skeletons hidden deep inside their cupboard. It may be yours, maybe your sweethearts. Skeletons stink. Love camouflages the odor of skeletons, the decomposing scandals lying deep inside the family cupboards. Love is a wonderful perfume that fills a decaying world with a heavenly fragrance and flavor. Love colors all that is black.
But in “Arranged Marriage”, there are others accompanying you, who can see through this black. Simply because they are more mature, have gone through this ritual earlier than you, are more experienced, have more foresight, and therefore can tamper your exuberance with their time-tested advise.
Whatever I narrated above of course will however not hold water if the “lover couple decides to elope out, disown their families, gets disowned by their own families, build their own nest and have an independent establishment with no claim or no intrusions from either families. Also provided that the two lovers, now husband-wife, have the courage of conviction to fend off any skeletons of their families, if it suddenly comes out of cupboard and starts haunting them. If such guts and conviction prevails, then you can think of “Love Marriage”.
Otherwise, “Love and flirt throughout life, but marry only once with heaven’s advise through your elders”. 

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