Saturday 7 July 2012

Ballad Of Pain

To have hope,

You need change…
To bring change,
You have to fight…
To fight with might,
You need strength..
To be strong,
You need unity…
To be united, 
You need cohesion..
To have cohesion of views, 
You need a leader….
To have a leader, 
You need a role model…
To have a role model, 
You need a “Bad Boy”….
‘coz Bad Boys are the only ones,
Who can take the fight….
to enemy’s camp….
“Good Boys” are always “Good”..
Very Very Good.. they are..
They are never bad….
“Bad Boys” can seldom be “Good”..
But Always a “Fighter”…
We need “Fighters”…not “Boeings”…
Alas…all “Bads” stands routed now…
We only have “Good Ones” today…
“Good”s are weaklings, “Bad” are not….
Weaklings can never fight for you…
When the going gets too hot…
When the going gets tough…
The tough gets going…
That’s why wait for the “Fighters”..
Not the “Boeings”…..

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