Wednesday 5 February 2014


When I entered my house, a gorgeous chandelier hanging in the drawing room left me spellbound.
I remembered seeing it once in Firozabad, when Nidhi, my better half was bowled over by its sheer beauty. She stopped our vehicle right beside the highway, ran to the shop and asked it’s cost.
Subsequently, I was also bowled over, not by the beauty of the lamp, but by its cost.
Nidhi curled her lips and came out of the shop. We were silent for a while as we drove back via NH-2 towards Agra. That was a long, uneasy silence.
That was long time ago.
Today, not only that same majestic chandelier is visible here, but also I felt fragrance of an expensive French perfume wafting across the room.
An exquisite marble-inlay-worked table from Udaipur based on pure white Makrana stone is tastefully laid out in the drawing room.
An expensive pure-pashmina Kashmiri carpet spread out on the entire floor of the lounge.
I was left truly overwhelmed and felt a sense of content fill my heart.
This is THE lifestyle, the way in which Nidhi wanted to lead her one small life.
“Life is small, so let’s enjoy it to the fullest, we should live it kingsize and others should envy” she declared once.
I had to carefully step aside and make way to a group of people, who parked their flag-wielding, tinted-glassed top-model SUVs in the sprawling campus of the bungalow.
I heard their hasty steps and loud conversations coming closer as they made into the drawing room….
“Madam, I told you earlier also…we need to change our strategy this time…” a gruff male voice ringed over…
He continued….”public are conscious now…they want some real work to be done by you, they are not to be swayed by our antics and histrionics anymore”
The fiery Madam interrupted and snapped out fiercely…..
”To bloody hell your janta-janardan, they are hungry, just dangle the carrot, the hungry ones will grab it….just tell me what I need to do now…shall I again pose with a kid in my arms wearing a white rob, tears in my eyes, begging alms of votes from you’re the public?? Why don’t you re-print another ten lakh posters of myself posing with my baby in my lap??”
“Madam the same tricks….”
She rudely interrupted again …..”look….get me a baby from somewhere, my own one is already grown up taller than me now. Hope it’s not a big deal for you. After all, you people are here for this purpose only…not to enjoy simple joyride in jeeps with me…haan!!!. What do you say…..KD sahab?? When will you arrange it??? After my death??”
“O ho ho Madameji…you flare off so often…nowadays a bit too often”… KD sahib become sardonically polite…”what a heart-rending thing you told now…once more you do it, and I’ll burst into tears right here…in front of you”…
It seemed he was about to burst into laughter instead….the irony of the situation is palpable…”Madamji, our old strategy needs to be revamped now…. you have to bring some change in your image…the same old story will not do…some new strategy is to be framed… know”
“Ah…is it?? Then let’s rain notes in the villages. Or lets adopt the good old carrot and stick policy. Anything else…?? Any…any other damned thing…whatever....whichever comes to your bloody mind…..just go and do it…do it now…..”
The madam hissed ominously and leaned forward….”look Sir-KD-ji, I can’t go and dance a mujra for your conscious and enlightened public … …I can’t go that far…but I can easily arrange a session for one, for all, who all matters…DM, SDM, SHO…who else?? Look, I have sacrificed a lot, have come too far to achieve all these and am not at all willing to turn the clock back, not at any cost. I want to live this one single life of mine kingsize… …do whatever you need to…. …you people are rotating around me like honeybees for performing these jobs only…”
“So Madam…” The pitbull-like huge head of KD-ji interrupted obligingly, in a patronizing tone…” We need a little bit of your favor…”
She snapped out again…”Ohh…so that’s it….needn’t worry my dear Sir…I will put a blanket of notes on you…rather….I will usher in a rain of notes….but do what I said…anything more you need …Sir..??”
she stopped suddenly, lost her words as she sunk deep in the cozy divan…with a sudden, unexpected sense of vulnerability and blank gaze upwards.
Mr KD may be rough, but he is very patient, cunning and a real veteran player of the game…he lowered his voice and gently quizzed….”OK now…tell me Madam…what exactly YOU want us to start with?? One color TV per impression of a finger?? Or better still, going by the latest trend, one laptop for each family…?? Sounds too much?? What about a pouch of white powder per finger?? Not a big deal for this place; I think so, masses are fond of it; it’s local, you know. Or better still, one full bottle of Black-Dog Premium – sound good this winter?? You tell Madam…..choices are aplenty…options are there many more…but the final call is yours”
The sarcastic and sardonic tone at the end of his every word and the sinister tone of his reply is quite chilling.  The other silent, burly figures present in the room started feeling visibly uneasy as KD lowered his pitbull-like head towards the madam already sunk in the couch, exhausted.
I enjoyed to the fullest this apparently paisa-vasool drama, smiled silently at the unfolding anti-climax, then, silently moved ahead inside the bedroom.
Once, this was our bedroom.
Once inside, I felt elated and started laughing my hearts out silently. None can hear me now.
I was really bemused, was thoroughly enjoying the drama, the absorbing exchanges.
I couldn’t but admire my dear little madam, how elegantly and effortlessly she hurls her slangs, how snugly she manages the burly hippos around her, she is a perfect-matching diva, who seems to be in full control of everything, even when, it actually may not be so.
I had to admit that she fully deserved everything she now posses, which anyhow she should not lose at any cost now.
These were all she always dreamt for, but could somehow never achieve earlier in her life. Now she possesses everything.
I felt great, happy and contented.

Some small events, apparently trivial incidents go a long way in shaping up one’s life.
Though I was good at sports, especially cricket, in which I was playing at the sub-junior tournaments, but an untimely demise of my supportive, encouraging father forced me immediately to bring my focus back in studies.
My mother got a job and also my father’s pension, she worked hard to balance our middle-class family, struggled bravely, married off my elder sister and was bold enough to dream about me for a bright future.
My father’s death was a blessing-in-disguise as it brought out a sincere, hard-working and intelligent student out of me. With a focused approach, I cleared the engineering entrance, got branch of my choice in my hometown college, and also parallelly I resumed my passion for the game of cricket. Soon, I got selected for my college team.
My mother, after seeing me once in my cricketing gears when I was in second year, called me near and calmly delivered a brief discourse …”look, there’s a guy named Sachin Tendulkar who earns billions as a cricketer, but I also know with my limited knowledge of this game that you are just an amateur prodigy with a few days’ shelf-life,  no Sachin out there…but you do have some prospects out there in your studies in the college and..” she pointed out towards my study-books…”there….in your studies, in your subjects, you may shine. Your father worked lifelong as a LDC and then an UDC in an office headed by an under-secretary or a joint secretary…they were the bosses who barked orders at him lifelong…I want you to stay focused in your studies and be a leader, a boss yourself one day…your father always desired that you’ll clear the prelims and mains of any CS exams and you’ll never lead a life of a clerk taking only orders and stenographic dictations…I have still kept all the volumes of CSR magazines bound for you….for your reference…so please honor your father’s wishes, study hard and don’t let me down…I want to see you one day a proud and respected civil servant in full control of an office before my demise. Is that clear??”
It became amply clear to me that my willows will never earn my mother’s respect.
Instead, my willows did gift me the lady-love of my life.
I met Ms Nidhi Chaudhary in our college canteen after a sort of informal get-together to celebrate the double-whammy of my selection for the university team for the national-level inter-university cricket tournament as well as my clearing the prelims of state-level PSC exams.
Looking back, I feel, there were quite a few admirers of mine in college; however, being an introvert, focused and serious natured guy who’s strongly routed to the roots, I never entertained any sorts of gesture, neither any subtle overtures.
But Madam Nidhi Chaudhary was a different ball-game altogether. The only daughter of Shri Daya Shankar Chaudhary, a prosperous real-estate-broker-cum-rising-new-entrant in the field of education-merchandise, she had all the reasons in the world to be an extrovert spoilt-brat coming from a well-connected, rich, ambitious family.
So when she came straight to me at the end of the party, cornered me alone, sat close across the chair and delivered in a deadpan manner without batting an eyelid..“You are the real hero of my life and by the way…I love u”, I was flummoxed.
At that instant I couldn’t really make out any difference between a pacer’s sudden bouncer in field and her proposal. “Is this the way in which a heroine is supposed to propose a hero in real life?” I quizzed her back.
“I don’t know, neither do I care…” she continued to chew the chewing-gum and went on …”now don’t think that I was waiting for this grand moment when you clear your exam and excel in sports and I get convinced that Ohh this guy do have a bright future so let’s take a plunge and hang up with him… …look, what I admire in you is your tenacity, sincerity, honesty. With these three weapons, you are managing your responsibilities, studies, sports, projects, competitions and still managing to keep your head steady…means, what they call, you are a real man. To me, you seem to be a real man, a real macho so to say…rest all are a pack of eunuchs who jump like a bunch of monkeys behind my ass, smelling the filthy lucre that my dad has amassed…“
“But madam…”, I submitted desperately…”Before you take a plunge, won’t it be prudent on your part to know something about me, my roots, my background, from where, which pits do I come…?? Or may I hope you already know all these beforehand??….”
“OK Sir…” She turned back the chair and sat astride across it…”Now I think the right time to order two cups of strong coffee as we are switching over to real discussion-mode”…
“Coffee.. I already had…” I tried to interrupt; she waved off…..”Heard an old Kishore Kumar number…I propose you sing that now for me…”Tu chand nagar ki shehzaadi main iss dharti ka banjara”….
“What made you think that I’ll start singing this for you…??”
“What else can you guy’z do?? Have fun then back-off when the moment of decision comes?? …When I am dreaming to unite my life with you…don’t you think I am prepared to share and shoulder all the sweets and sours of your life with mine…??”
She came to me as a bitter-sweet-sour package of brutal straight-forwardness and honesty, something straight-at-your-face-take-it-or-like-it sort of a persona, whom I unsuccessfully tried to brush out from my mind, finally gave up, decided to take a  call, took her to my mother and introduced her.
My mother proved to be a perfect match for her….”I know you come from D S Chaudhary & Sons family”…she told almost wryly…”to make a few things clear, my son will marry his choice after clearing his CS exam and receiving his final his appintment-letter in hand….and I expect him to honor this commitment”….
“D S Chaudhary and Sons is the name of our business proprietary and it’s not my primary identity…Ma, my name is Nidhi”.
When she left after an hour or so, my mom turned back and asked me keeping her eyes fixed on mine…”so there you are,  absolutely sanguine about your choice, about taking the most critical decision of your life so early, yeah??”
“Mom I am already 26, which is not too young for marriage and as of now I think I have never made a wrong judgement both in and out my cricket-field”
“Life is not a cricket match and its never too late to think once more.”
Keeping my mother’s advice in mind, I thought once more on my decision, and then started preparing sincerely for the mains, the interview and other exams.
Madam Chaudhary did me a small favor, she decided not to disturb me except for some occasional refreshing phone calls, till I crossed this crucial period of my life.
Around 10 months later, we met her father in their palatial apartment. The towering personality looked at me and frowned…”while I like to heartily congratulate you on your final selection in your exam, I deeply wonder what prevented you from opting for such comfortable general branches of CS like revenue, judicial, administration, irrigation, customs etc and select the police service out of all options for your specialization…”
“Sir, for one reason that my rank allowed me only the opening in police service, and for another, I always thought that one can serve meaningfully whichever arena of life one prefers to trudge in.”
“That’s fine..that’s really great…and that I’ll never deny”..Chaudhary Sir nodded his big head on both sides…”but as a would-be father-in-law, a slight negative thought about the risks that are associated with your profession crossed my mind…after all you will have a family also to take care of…”
“Oh daddy…”…the daughter interrupted…”police service is after all not that rotten an option…and moreover…” she stopped with a meaningful silence.
“I’ll be fine Sir…” I had to interrupt politely…”and after all I do now have an entire society for whom I shall be feeling caring and responsible for, not only for my family. Rest all like risks etc I think is in the hand of Almighty.”
Around 3 years after our so-called simple marriage followed by a grand ceremony sponsored by M/s. Chaudhary Bros & Sons, we were posted in a semi-urbanized, crime-ridden mid-range district town located in the midst of so-called wild-wild-west of our state.
Municipality election was drawing near. I just attended an emergency meeting at DM’s office and was approaching my official car when my mobile rang and I received Nidhi’s distinctive ring-tone…
“Oh my dearie, please come down and help me immediately….I am in deep trouble…I need your urgent help right now..”
“Where…where are you by the way…”..”I am right here in K Nagar..plz come immediately…”….K nagar was pretty close-by to DM’s office…I asked the driver to rush and frantically asked Nidhi not to worry.
The moment I neared a reputed jewellery showroom, I located Nidhi standing just beside the road, waiting, beaming all smiles with no signs of any worry.
Feeling a simultaneous feeling of relief followed by a surge of anger, I somehow managed to restrain myself, calmly got off the car and approached her…”what’s exactly the trouble…??”
“My dear ASP Sir, without faking a trouble, can I afford to avail of your presence within office hrs?? That’s why I had to play a little prank on you…now plzzz..plzz come with me or shall I pull your hand like my child going to school..?” Without waiting, she really started pulling my index finger.
“Nidhi, please look at the people around, they are staring at us, I am anyhow going inside or outside wherever you want me to go.” There was hardly any option for me but to give up to her pranks.
She pulled me inside the jewellery showroom and made me sit in front of a sales desk where a beautifully crafted dazzling diamond necklace was laid open in front of us.
The set also included a pair of dazzling diamond finger-rings, one for male, one female.
I quietly stared at Nidhi, now knowing fully well what’s coming next.
“See I like this set and want to have it in our coming anniversary next month…and you’ll wear the male diamond ring that day…and we’ll have a grand party at our bungalow…”
“So you selected your own gift for your anniversary….??”…I couldn’t hide the irony in my voice.
“Sir, its our marriage anniversary and not only your or mine alone”..she replied with a sudden curtness that startled and made a few heads turn towards us.
“How much is the cost of the set…?” I inquired. It’s two lakhs twenty five thousands six hundred only, Sir”…the reply came after a few minutes of checking the data…”the rings contain high grade solitaire Sir and that adds up to the cost…and it will be sold as a complete set…”
I looked at the small car outside the shop. The three-year old small hatchback that was Nidhi’s own; I gifted this to her by taking loan in our last anniversary. If I sell this now, it will never fetch more than one lakh. And here we are…
I also remembered that my mother is recently diagnosed with second stage cancer and she will soon start an injection-course of three doses. Each of these injections will cost more than seventy thousand rupees.  And she stays separately after my marriage.
“Nidhi, can we take this decision a little bit afterwards…”
“Oh sure..why not…I knew that, it’s exactly like this that happened several times earlier”, I saw she turned her lips and gave a disdainful shake in her cheeks…”I think let’s go out now and will visit the shop…what do you say??”
That night, during a quite dinner at home, Nidhi asked me in a cold, quite manner…”around how much does an assistant superintendent of police earns? I mean  net in hand?”
The query left me stumped. Regaining my composure, I fired back a tender little salvo…”and how much do you expect him to earn…”
“I expected a civil servant of this country can afford to gift her better-half an elegant piece of jewellery on a lifetime occasion when the age and time is still left to enjoy life.”
“I for one do not want to splurge now and repent later. There are other ways of enjoyment and contentment. Moreover my mother….”
“To hell with your enjoyment and contentment…” it seemed the whole house reverberated with the roar of a lioness…”what sort of enjoyment and contentment did you shower me with in these 3 bloody years after our marriage…?!!”
“Nidhi…the baby is crying…hold your voice”
She continued as if she didn’t listen…”For three bloody years I pent up, suppressed, stored up my emotions and what do you think shall I will fall silent for right now…?? Tell me, did we ever have a honeymoon?? A proper getaway ever?? Did you take any leave after marriage?? Did we have a proper Sunday?? Did we ever had a quiet dinner at a cozy restaurant?? Was there a single night when I could have you in my arms and we could fully enjoy our conjugal life without a single phonecall rudely interrupting us and you jumping out of the bed in the middle of night and having a long conversation over your cell, leaving me fuming and empty, alone, aloof in my bed…?? Did you ever realize that the golden moments of life, once gone are never going to return?? Did you ever feel that these are the moments for which shall we lament back in our olden days when we’ll feel that these days will never come back…?? Did you ever feel that I hide back my solitude, my agony through my compulsive shopaholism?? Do you also want me to become a compulsive alcoholic??”
I listened. Then I replied. She replied back. I hurt her. She hurt me back. That was the first day. And that was not the only day. Not the last day. That was only the beginning. Beginning of an end.
The informer’s message was relayed to me when I was sitting in my office in late afternoon after a busy Monday, checking a file. It left me a bit curious. I looked up to Karan Deo Singh, the CI of the range, who came to meet me with this piece of message.
“Sir, it’s better for us to be prepared in advance”, the alert CI responded. “It’s a splinter group of around three to four ultras, who have sneaked in through the inter-state border. However, they do not have any mass-base here and will need some resources to survive for long till they leave our state and move onwards.”
“Good line of thinking”, I applauded him….”now proceed further”
“Sir, the obvious symptoms will be a spurt in extortion here or say a robbery there…we need to be watchful over next few days…”
“Keep a close watch on the two banks…tomorrow by the way is the last day of the month and they will move cash to our security outposts for their payday…and let me be posted of any exigencies, I will rush in”
“Sure, Sir”.
I was not in a hurry to go back. My residence is all empty now. Nidhi is in her house for the last 3 months with her baby. My mother is now nestled amongst the stars in heaven after a losing battle with her disease. There was no one waiting for me anywhere anymore.  I felt desolate. I thought of going back to my bungalow for a while and down a few strong pegs of scotch, then come back.  Nowadays, my thought process gets blurred unless I feel intoxicated. Or so do I feel. And there is none to shout at me, none to whom can I shout back at, none to prevent me, restrain me.
The call came next morning, faster than I expected. I was indeed feeling pretty relaxed and in an elated state after I had my replenishments and came to office. Karan Deo, my CI on the other side of hotline relayed it…”the boys are located close to the bank and they are indeed making a move”
“Good”, I muttered, “will come over to your place very soon with my friends, do give me some cover as I move in”; I hung up and grouped up my team fast.
We rushed out in an innocuous hatchback in plain clothes. As we closed in near the destination, my cell crackled again…
…”Sir…they moved in really fast…and they are shooting towards the main entrance”
“Move and close in, hold them up till I arrive…” I literally dived out of the car with my associates closing in a formation as we swiftly closed along the blind allay besides the bank which will give us a direct entrance to the main gate steps from the side of the building.
My pulse raced as I heard the gunshots and cries of scared populace, running helter-skelter, as a mini gun-battle raged in front of the stares of main entrance.
I nodded to two of my ASIs to close in and myself took a close-in position behind one of the pillars of the main entrance, from where I could immediately locate a man in a dress quite unfamiliar to this region wielding a sophisticated automatic in hand, sprinting towards the main gate of the bank, the barrel of his gun still emitting smoke.
They used to call me a hawk-eye at the academy in Hyderabad; until then, I used to maintain my sincerity in whatever trades I learnt. Moreover, I was feeling unduly relaxed today. There was not a bit of trembling in my as I fired my first two shots. The man couldn’t even fathom from where and how was he hit, he just flung across like a bird hit mid-air in his flight, his gun swirling across the floor, and fortunately the impact of it hitting the floor did not spew out any of the bullets loaded within.  Had it done so, it would have been a disaster.
Before I could get up and wave a thumbs-up sign to my team-mates, I felt something hit me softly, twice, from my backside, just below my belly, releasing a fountain of gushing warm fluid out of my body.
Gradually, a sense of numbness engulfed me. I staggered, feeling absolutely nothing, no force at the lower portion of my body, no force of gravity to support me. I tumbled over head-on, embracing the ground.
My visions started growing hazy; still I could recognize the towering figure of my CI, Karan Deo Singh and one SI from his team leaning over me.  
“That’s really perfect Sir, great hit, well done Sir”…, K D, as he was fondly told by his colleagues, whispered to me…
“And yours one too…well done K D…a good one from my behind, perfect stab in my back”…I could only mumble out my words…
“I am really sorry Sir….it’s all planned by madam and funded by Daya-Sahab…I had to follow them….we’re paid by them…”
Those were the last words of his I could hear before the world turned all grey for me.
I looked down at myself. There, in my own pool of blood, I lay still in eternal peace. I forgave him.  
I forgave all.

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