Saturday 16 November 2013

A Simple Case Study

Based on a true, real-life incident that took place very recently in another PSU (same sector like us):
An isolated location of a seemingly neglected division. Mundane daily life. Terminal / Office headed by one Sr Mgr. A young, fresh, 3 months old direct recrutee A grade reports to him. A few supporting staff. That completes the location.
One day, a team from the regional office, headed by a GM, assisted by a few DGMs, some chiefs and some of their orderlies pay a visit to this location for routine locational inspection.
The fresh A grade was entrusted to arrange the visit-formalities, accommodations, transportation etc.
The young man was sincere, quite enthralled to handle a novel assignment. He arranged for vehicle, inquired about the best hotel in the locaility, booked reservation therein, done everything, felt very contented in his inside for doing a good job.
The entourage came, visited the location in daytime. In evening, a party was held in the same hotel where the dignitaries were staying. Party was of course hosted by the location in honor of the top regional honchos.
The location in charge, the young man under him, their staff and the regional team were all present. Drinks and starters were served.
The young kid was the cynosure of all eyes. The GM offered him a drink.
The kid replied…”No thanks Sir, I don’t drink.”
The GM smiled, withdrew the drink and said…”O ho…it seems he needs our ED to come here and offer him a drink…then only he’ll accept it….he won’t accept drinks from a small fry like me”…then he chuckled and his sycophants followed suit.
The party suddenly felt silent for a while. Then gradually the tempo recovered. Pegs were served, mood regained the upbeat tone, peculiar jokes shared, inane songs are tried. All those rituals of a routine PSU parties followed.
In one corner, our young friend stood, left out of the milieu, stood embarrassed to the core of his heart. His reporting boss, the senior manager noticed him and moved forward….”look, you have done a huge mistake…you have really peeved off the GM…you shouldn’t have outright refused the drink…you should have been diplomatic, thanked him and accepted it…took a sip…then either should have kept the glass somewhere or poured it in sink when you’d have gone to washroom…this is really foolish and immature on your part to behave like this….in case you do not rectify yourself…you will be left out alone in every party and in every sphere of your life like this…”
The party ended. Everybody left for their own destination. The young boy came back home. He narrated the whole incident to his parents.
His father flew into a rage…”these buggers of your bosses…instead of giving you protection, defending you, teaching you values and ethics and give proper guidance…they are showing you road to hell…throughout my life I didn’t take a sip of a drink but still I do command respect in my office and was never left out…then why should you?? What does it mean?? To please your GM, you have to break your principle, change your habit??”
The young man wondered and wondered throughout the night. The next morning, he phoned his sister and confided everything with her and asked hew following three questions:
1.0>    “Did I do anything wrong?”
2.0>    “I am having appointment letter from another same sector PSU. Should I immediately live my present one and join the other at this stage itself?”
3.0>    “Continue where I am and change myself?”
Case Study : Imagine yourself in his position. What would have been your chosen option??
Be honest to your heart and reply.

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