Tuesday 11 June 2013

A Critical Lack of Understanding & Empathy

I am deeply perturbed.
Telling “RIP” is the best and easiest solution. So to say solution.
But the frequency of RIP has increased alarmingly these days.
I know and sense somehow the soul of departed Jiah Khan and Rahul Singh and also Shyamal Bhattacharya will meet each other on the road to beyond the river of live to the unknown eternity. Somehow their destiny is crossed.
But what it takes to finally decide these souls to mark an end and say “I give up” (a la 3 idiots where none understood the protagonists).
I think (and I know surely) it is their surrounding people only who did never understand them. May be they all had a different dream. Someone wanted to be a successful actress, but deeply compassionate and soft within, was going thru’ a bad patch, was looking for a solace, but surrounded by highly ambitious near ones who might have continuously egged on the poor soul for success and more success which was not come by immediately, dejected and frustrated “gave up.”
Someone might have bagged a seemingly cushy job and had dreams when joined from campus but found the office life completely and starkly different from what was imagined the day at appointment letter was received. But there was none to relate these pain, these woes. None will understand. Family will say “Beta, aisi nokri nehi milti, please don’t leave this job, please stick to it, it’s a tough world outside, you are our only hope…..”…and none will understand the inner turmoil that goes on inside the person…any hint if it comes outside people will say..”oh, he is depressed, better to consult a…***…and there will be medical board…” but none will understand that the person is hale and hearty..what he/she needs is a bit of empathy, a good friend, a good listener, someone who understands and who empathizes..not a professional empathizer…but someone with no stakes. Alas…there will be none…
Someone might have rose from the ranks and today near his retirement is still doing shifts (night shifts..does anybody know what is the agony of shifts, where it wrecks havoc in your body and mind?)…might be there was an appeal to relieve him from this relentless 8/16/24 hrs merciless shifts even at a senior grade…and when the same is not listened…its definitely the best to move out…early morning cool bridge is pretty dangerous especially when you are coming back from a hard shift in workplace..that’s why many of the accidents happen to shift-people after they go back from night in the early morning…it’s an eerie thing to note that when the sun rises and a new day/dawn begins..for many soul that’s the time to say good-bye to this earth and live for an unknown destination…never to come back again.
When I was going for my drawing sessional exam in 4th semester, in a similar early morning, near the Durgapur LPG bottling plant turning, I saw a cycle in mangled condition and a body lying near, the face and the head and the throat portion is squashed into a mangled mass of flesh, from distance it looked as if this portion is covered with a red colored cloth. I could only see this much, but the image got etched inside. Who was he? Coming back from shift in night? Or going to work in morning? Whoever he was, he started his journey for some destination, ended somewhere else.
Needless to say I almost got a supplementary in my 4th semester drawing exam and passed with grace marks. That was the first time I saw dead-body on road due to accidents. Afterwards, I ‘ve seen many, many more on highways, NH2 in my previous tenure at Mathura when they were building this road to 4 lane, and somehow have to come accept this fact..life is meant for an untimely end one fine day when none will expect you to bid adeu to all..come what may whether you voluntarily give up or forced to.
And there are indeed times when you do fascinate the…..it is better to stop here.

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