Tuesday 21 August 2012

Story Of A Geese That Laid Golden Egg

Today evening I saw my last sunset. I am inside my cage now. I know I had nowhere to go. Outside and inside the campus, my fate is the same. Hence, I preferred my cage.
I know, a short while from now, my owner will come. Today, his childhood friend is coming. There will be a feast. A party. Choiciest liquor will be served. It will be topped up with delicious snacks. Served hot. Veg and Non-Veg both.
I have performed my duty, done my dues in my life. Now, a short while from now, I will do the same even when I am no more. They will serve me, piping hot, garnishing me with some rare spices, exotically flavored. May be they will boil me boneless. I don’t have much fat on me, so that part has no hassles.
Not that my muscles are sagging. Not that I am not looking ugly. I am the same cute-looking Ketty which I was when I came here freshly procured from the market around a year earlier.
My seller warned my owner during my purchase…”Brother Joe…look…the primary purpose why you were paying so much for Ketty and why I have bargained so hard from you do have a limit…once that gets fulfilled and exhausted…then??”
Brother Joe smiled wickedly and winked…”Ketty will serve me…in life as well as death…”
I was so happy to have some hope of getting a fresh lease of open air and a slice of blue sky coming out of smelly, congested, blood and feacus infested commercial enclosure that I did not take note of that exchange then.
On hindsight, what could have I done had I even heard of it?? My fate would have been the same…after all.
The first six months were the golden period of my life. And I made the life golden for my owner and his family.
I was served the best of fodder, the tastiest of meal. I grew fluffy. I grew cute. Joe’s tiny daughter Mary adored me. I caressed my beak against her soft skin. She got tickled and giggled.
In time, I used to get pressure in my ovary. In due time, I used to lay the eggs. And the whole cage used to glow in a golden aura. Brother Joe, his security guards used to guard the cage with their AK-47s fully loaded from the first night when my spontaneous calls first rose. After I lay the eggs, Joe used to be the first to enter. With eyes glittering in envy, greed, lust he used to literally pounce on the wonders glowing at the corners of the nest. “Jessusss….Holy Jessuss…the bas**ds were right…all pure 24 karats…and so solid….and so clean…it’s a heavenly geese”
The eggs used to vanish in his bag even before I can get some relief from my pain. I blinked from the corner of my eye as I saw Joe, the guards, Joe’s wife and his kids celebrated in joy. Sometimes so ecstatic they used to be that they used to forget to feed me next morning. By noon when Mary used to venture with my fodder, I used to be half-dead in hunger.
7th month onward, the glow of the eggs started fading. It followed by a reduction on the width of Joe’s smile. “It’ll be max 22 carats now…but still hard…22 should be harder than 24 anyhow….let me see how much it fetches in market…but why it’s fading…??” He used to mumble and grumble. Still happy he was as after all money was pouring in.
At 10th month, the glow almost completely faded. A strange silvery color laced the eggs. Quality of my fodder also got deteriorated. Joe’s visit in my cage became less frequent. Smile on his face vanished. Mary is no longer visible.
And in a sultry night of my 11th month here, I heard Joe’s wife conversing with her hubby just outside the cage-enclosure while they took a leisurely post-supper walk….
“How long need we engage the cage-space with a non-productive, worthless geese?? Why not go to the shop again and bring a new one, you old fool?? Why not get rid of this dirty, useless, old, haggard worthless white chick, which has now got exhausted of her golden stock?””
“Ohh…what do ya think…?? Me a fool…?? Naahh..I already talked with Tom a week back…he gave me a time for tomorrow night..actually this golden-egg laying variety comes very rare and are in horrendous demand…people kill each other for them when they are laying gold…so one or two he smuggles up here at the dead of night…only for his trusted customers, beloved buddies..I being one of them….and one such goldmine will land up right here tomorrow night…!!! Heh..!!!”
…”That’s’ why you called him up t’morrow for dinner..??”
“Yeah my sweetie…got it bang on…at last something’s working inside your goddamned skull..”
“Then what shall we do with this dirty little bitch..???”
“What do’u think of me..I’m not an asshole out here…she will be served as deliciously aromatic kebabs drowned by our home-grown local brew..will chop & finish her sometimes in early evening and clean up the cage. When Tom comes in late evening, will put the new one in it. Will rear it again for next one year till it lays the golden eggs. Once her quota finishes, will chop her to pieces. Sweetie, in life they lay gold for us. In death, they will light up our belly. How’s that…??”
“Honey…u’r really a cruel li’ll a**hole…like u r in bed with me…I luv it..!!!”
An ugly, screeching noise of the door of my kennel jolted me back to my present. A slice of setting sun glanced thru’ beside the looming shadow with a chopper in hand. I took a deep breath and for the last time, filled my lungs with the sweet smell of moist earth wafting from outside. Hope this aroma remains in my blood and flavors my slayers’ meal tonight.
Happy supper to you all..!! With my golden eggs you had your wealth. With my meat you’ll have your dinner..!!!

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